Looking for services that will make your business communication better.

Then you land on the right page, India’s Best Wholesale VoIP Provider help you to scale your business.

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We take care of fulfilling all your needs in communication services for your businesses.

Ashutosh Limited  is one of the India’s Best Wholesale VoIP Provider in the market across the Globe that help you to grow your business. Proven techniques and innovative ideas guide our services to provide the best VoIP services in this field, including VoIP minutes, DID, and TFN services. You can expect fast results with our years of experience and highly skilled team.

We take your business to the sky-highs. Are you Interested? Let’s Talk.

India's Best Wholesale VoIP Provider
Dialer Services

Our world-leading dialer solutions will maximize agent efficiency and productivity, enabling them to manage more calls in less time for high organic traffic.

Call center solutions

Improve customer experience with hosted PBX & technology-rich cloud call center solutions. Avail it in just a few steps & upgrade at will  zero installing costs.

VoIP Switch Services

The AshutoshLimited VoIP Soft Switch solution is a  best class 5, that fulfills all the needs of many local and international business communication issues.

Explore Our Service


Dialer Services

Our world-leading dialer solutions will maximize agent efficiency and productivity, enabling them to manage more calls in less time for high organic traffic. Join us today to stabilize the relationship between effectiveness and expenses.


DID and TFN Services

We have every solution, whether it be your domestic number, an international one, or even the same number you are willing to port for making the international call. We offer a wide range of toll-free numbers for all countries across the Globe.


VoIP Switch Services

The AshutoshLimited  VoIP switch solution is a modernized technology with the best class 5 Softswitch that fulfills all the needs of many local and international business communication issues.


Cloud Services

Replace your traditional and costly on-premise devices and avail AshutoshLimited ‘s feature-rich cloud services. Enabling our services will help you scale your business at a lower cost.


Call Center Solutions

Improve customer experience with hosted PBX & technology-rich cloud call center solutions. Avail it in just a few steps & upgrade at will with zero installing costs.

Devices used for operating VoIP using cloud

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An analog phone with VoIP software

With VoIP software, you can use a domestic landline phone to make calls over the internet network. The software plugs into a phone system in the wall or your broadband.

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A computer with many tools & applications

Application software does all the hard work. This type of software performs user-related tasks and can further be classified as general purpose, specialist or bespoke/customized.

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A personalized VoIP system

You can download an application such as Google Voice or WhatsApp to make international calls with your cellphone.

We Believe in Innovation, and innovation always brings a change.

Lori Bryson
India's Best Wholesale VoIP Provider

About Us

AshutoshLimited  is one of the best VoIP service providers in the market across the Globe that help you to grow your business. Proven techniques and innovative ideas guide our services to provide the best VoIP services in this field, including VoIP minutes, DID, and TFN services. You can expect fast results with our years of experience and highly skilled team.

We take care of fulfilling all your needs in communication services for your businesses. India’s Best Wholesale VoIP Provider helps to grow.

We take your business to the sky-highs. Are you Interested? Let’s Talk.

Why Choose Us

We Believe in Innovation, and innovation always brings a change.

Reach us today to get the breakthrough in the business.

  • Feature-rich services, except quality bandwidth
  • Free installation and affordable price
  • World’s one of the trusted brands
  • 24*7 customer support and maintenance

Our Client Testimonials

AshutoshLimited  VoIP services are top in the industry. It is muzzle to use, providing the best user experience.

They can be considered one of the best VoIP providers in the world regarding client support and maintenance. Their services are excellent that help my business scale.
dialing software
Tanya Sharma
AshutoshLimited provides professional and cost-effective features that help run our business smoothly.
cloud call center
Vijay Dhaval
From installation to support and maintenance, they are very cooperative. I consider them the best VoIP service providers using my years of experience.
wholesale voice termination
Alisha Roy